• Shocks, star-formation, and turbulence in NGC 1266

    NGC 1266 is a fascinating galaxy with a wealth of high quality multi-wavelength data! At the recent Galaxy Transformation Across Space and Time 2023 conference in Canberra, Australia, I presented the following poster on some of my work studying this galaxy with Gemini-NIFS and MUSE data.

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  • Resolved molecular gas in MaNGA PSBs

    Molecular gas properties of post-starburst galaxies

    Post-starburst galaxies (PSBs) have rapidly and recently quenched their star-formation, making them an important evolutionary link for how galaxies transform from blue, star-forming spirals to quiescent early-types. The molecular gas is key to understanding the shut-off of star-formation in these galaxies as it is the fuel for star-formation.

    It turns out that PSBs...

  • Protoplanetary Disks in Orion

    Protoplanetary disks in the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC)

    As an REU student I worked with Adam Ginsburg studying protoplanetary disks in the ONC with ALMA. We cataloged 127 disks, including 15 newly detected sources. We split our sample into the foreground ONC disks that are exposed to the radiation from the bright Trapezium stars (IR-detected), and the heavily enshrouded...

  • Galactic conformity in morphology

    Galactic conformity in morphology

    As an undergraduate at Haverford College, I worked with Karen Masters to study the phenomenon of galactic conformity, where satellite galaxies tend to exhibit similar properties as the central galaxy in a group. While previously this effect had been studied with star-formation and color, we expanded this analysis to morphology using Galaxy Zoo 2. We...